mama pelicula colombiana poster
 Director: Philippe Van Hissenhoven
 Production: Cine Posible / Hangar Films
 Country: Colombia
Language: Español
 Genre: Drama
 Runtime: 78 min.
 Year: 2017
Cast: Helena Mallarino, Julieth Restrepo, Alejandra Zuluaga, Consuelo Gacha,Felipe Rojas

Victoria gets an unexpected visit ... her daughter Sara, who has been gone for a long time, asks her to take care of Nicole, her 7 years old grand dayghter, for a couple of days. Victoria is a reserved and independent woman who seems to enjoy her solitude. This favor will totally change her life and routine. Nicole arrives with renewal energy, little by little sh ewill conquer her grandmother's love. Child and grandmother live a daily country life. After a shockinf happening and unforeseen news, Sara will come back home to make things right with her mother and receive her love